Assimilation has helped me to build our congregation. We’re serious about discipleship. We’ve learned how to handle guests so that we can bring them into a relationship with Christ. We help them to stick and stay in our church through the Assimilation system.
Timothy Thiessen
Nelson gives you a plan — then we get to wrestle with it, apply it and he is there to offer suggestions based on how we are doing. I didn’t get the practical side of ministry in Seminary and this filled the gaps for me when I got the ‘big’ office at church. I knew how to preach — I … Read More
Robert Haynes
Being a part of this network has helped me to lead our church more effectively, reverse what had been a slow decline, mobilize greater numbers of our people in outreach and service, reach and retain more new people, and significantly raise the level of generosity in our church.
Rick Rouse
When I first heard about the eight church systems, my first thought was this could help the ministry of my church go to a whole new level. Well, it has! Our giving has increased 10% every year, we’ve grown from 200 to 330 in morning worship, there are now 150 volunteers and we actually have a system for following up … Read More
Jesse Giddens
Joining the Coaching Network will be a personal and ministry- impacting experience. It brings real clarity to what’s required to lead a growing church. It will be an investment into yourself and your ministry.
Michael Shreve
Second only to my relationship with God is my family. In a growing church this can be a challenge. I am thankful for Nelson’s coaching to keep my priorities God honoring. I have seen so many pastors struggle in their marriage and their kids end up resenting the church. The principles I have learned have helped me make my marriage … Read More
Andy Rainey
I enjoy the nuts and bolts approach. I am a systems/process thinker and the network helps me think through different areas of our church and challenges the way I think about our processes and how I lead/pastor.
Jeff Fartro
The church systems are very good. But what makes Nelson so good is the bigger picture that he brings to everything. He knows so many people — both by coaching and as mentors — and reads so much that he is able to pass on the best of his learning to those in his network.
David Michel
Your seminars and resources are so practical and helpful. I know that implementing the things I’ve learned from you has made it easier for God to work through our congregation to reach non-churched people from my community.
Paul Earle
We were big in evangelism but we were not effective in keeping people. It wasn’t until the Assimilation Seminar with Nelson Searcy that we had an intentional plan to follow up with people. We’re now able to retain the people who come in to our church.