See below for past winners:
July 2019
Pat Williams
He has addressed thousands of executives in Fortune 500 companies, universities and Christian organizations, including two Billy Graham Crusades. He has been featured in Sports Illustrated, Readers Digest, Focus on the Family, New Man Magazine, and all major TV networks. He is a regular on the Christian networks, such as TBN, CBN and on Dr. Robert Schuller’s Hour of Power. Pat also teaches an adult Sunday school class at First Baptist Church of Orlando and hosts three weekly radio shows.
Pat is also the author of over 100 books, including his newest book, Character Carved in Stone: The 12 Core Virtues of West Point that Build Leaders and Produce Success. Other popular titles: Leading God’s Way, How to Be Like Walt, 21 Great Leaders, Coach Wooden’s Forgotten Teams, and Leading with Integrity.
He and his wife, Ruth, are the parents of 19 children, including 14 adopted from four nations, ranging in age from 30 to 44. Currently, Pat has 15 grandchildren and counting. Pat is also a cancer survivor and spends many hours each week responding to emails and phone calls of other affected by cancer, offering hope and words of encouragement. He has also completed 58 marathons, including at Walt Disney World, and climbed Mt. Rainier.
Featured Books and Resources:
July 2017
Dr. Gary McIntosh
Dr. McIntosh is Professor of Christian Ministry and Leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University located in La Mirada, CA. He serves as lead consultant at the Church Growth Network, a consulting ministry he founded in 1987, and is in wide demand as a speaker and seminar leader on numerous subjects related to church life and ministry. Dr. McIntosh has published more than 300 articles and reviews in Christian magazines and journals, and is the author of 23 books.
He has received the Faculty Excellence Award from Biola University, the Donald A. McGavran award from the American Society for Church Growth, the Distinguished Alumni Award from Colorado Christian University, and the Donald A. McGavran award from the School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Dr. McIntosh was the 1995 and 1996 President of the American Society of Church Growth (now the Great Commission Research Network), a national society which networks professors, denominational leaders and pastors interested in church growth. As a national seminar leader, he conducts approximately 20 workshops and seminars yearly on various church growth topics such as outreach, assimilation, long-range planning, church advertising and worship.
Featured Books and Resources:
February 2015
Dr. Elmer Towns
He was born and raised in Savannah, Georgia. As a nineteen-year-old, Dr. Towns became pastor of a local church while attending Columbia Bible College in Columbia, South Carolina. In his many years of ministry, he’s also been a popular seminar lecturer, bestselling author, and authority on the subjects of Sunday school, Church Growth, spirituality and fasting. He has also developed over 20 resource packets for leadership education.
Dr. Towns is the 1995 recipient of the Christian Booksellers Association’s Gold Medallion Award. At a recent Renegade Pastors Conference, he received the first-ever Renegade Pastors Icon Award to acknowledge Excellence in Abandoning Average in Life and Ministry. Dr. Towns has given theological lectures and taught intensive seminars at over 111 theological seminaries and colleges in America and abroad. He holds visiting professorship rank in five seminaries and has written over 2,000 reference and popular articles and received six honorary doctoral degrees.
Dr. Nelson Searcy presented Dr. Towns with the first-ever Renegade Pastors Icon Award at the Renegade Pastors Conference in Orlando, Florida. Accompanying them on stage was also Dr. Bob Whitesel (right).
Featured Books and Resources:
The Icon Award is not automatically given out each year but only presented at the appropriate time to selected leaders.
Watch this page for future Icon Award winners!
If you are a member of the Renegade Pastors Network and would like to nominate someone, please email us at your designated coaching email address.