Jump-Start Your Growth in 2025 — New Coaching Network for Renegade Pastors Starts Tuesday, February 18
Make the ONE Decision Today that Could Have the Single-Greatest Impact on the Health and Growth of Your Church in 2025!
Make the ONE Decision Today that Could Have the Single-Greatest Impact on the Health and Growth of Your Church in 2025!
Sign Up for this LIVE Monthly Guided Coaching Experience Led Personally by Nelson Searcy and Focused on Church Growth and the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church®!
Dear Renegade Pastor,
My big challenge to you today is to get off the hamster wheel of initiatives that aren’t working. It’s time to stop doing the same things in ministry that aren’t leading to results — and start down the path for real church growth!
Now is the best time in our lifetimes to lead a growing church, regardless of your age, denomination or current church attendance.
Because this is such a critical time for us as pastors, I invite you to walk with me side-by-side through the unique challenges you are facing this year…
It’s time to SUPERCHARGE your ministry growth through my LIVE monthly systems-focused training: Senior Pastor Coaching!
I would be honored to help you lay the plans NOW that could:
- Lead to 30% growth in your church.
- Position your church to be more Kingdom-impacting than ever.
- See more people come to faith over the next year than at any other time in your church’s history… and see that repeated over and over in years to come.
- Restore broken or ineffective systems to serve the next season and next generation
- Maximize your Online Church service as a regular part of your church’s Kingdom impact in a way that benefits your people, your community and the world.
In this online, monthly network, you’ll be guided through the latest, proven practices and strategies to lead your church to its fullest potential!
LIVE sessions will begin Tuesday, February 18 and run on Tuesdays at 2pm ET. See below for the schedule of dates. Recordings will always be available of each session.
This brand new Senior Pastor Coaching network will be the culmination of everything I know on Church Growth combined with the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® — but now completely updated to meet our new reality.
I will be leading these exclusive 90-minute sessions LIVE every month, with bonus Q&A sessions monthly as well. These trainings will get to the heart of how to grow your church in these unpredictable times.
“Master the latest and greatest on all eight systems as I personally guide you to implement these best practices for in-person and online church.”
This live training is strategically timed to help you not just survive, but THRIVE in your ministry. Imagine when in a year from now you have successfully positioned your church for exponential growth?
It is possible, with the power of the eight systems — updated for today’s biggest ministry challenges!
- Grow your church in this new reality (you won’t find this kind of detailed, hands-on, pastor-led approach anywhere else).
- Strengthen each of the 8 Systems of a Healthy Church®
- Stand with one another to learn, grow, read and answer questions every step of the way.
- Lay out a plan for more Small Group participation than ever before through a combination of in-person and online groups.
- See an Assimilation System that reaches and keeps more first-time guests than ever before, leading to increased baptisms, membership classes, volunteers and committed followers of Jesus.
- Develop together a process for an annual special offering this Fall that will support missions, these initiatives, church improvements and so much more.
- Raise the Level of Stewardship by maximizing current givers and attracting new givers using proven and innovative ways for people to give.
- Keep the evangelistic temperature of your church fiery hot for sharing the gospel, promoting your services/big days and calling people to follow Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Mobilize more committed and excited volunteers than before Covid.
- Strengthen and adjust your leadership team and structure to support these improvements.
- Become an expert on church growth principles and healthy church systems. A similar one-year Doctor of Ministry class (and this coaching is far more practical) would cost up to $3,990.00 plus twice as much time and far more travel costs.
All while developing personal systems and raising the level of your leadership for greater efficiency, more harmony between life and work and position yourself for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.
YES, it’s possible – when you say YES to Nelson’s NEW Senior Pastor Coaching Network!
Whether you are brand new to the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church®, or have been implementing the systems for years, this coaching network has the essential tools you need to GROW like never before.
I’ll reveal the latest and most impactful lessons on ALL 8 systems (we’ve had to change our approach in the wake of the pandemic, Online Church and more):
Evangelism — What’s working NOW to reach lost people
Assimilation — How we move from first-time guests to members
Ministry — How we mobilize people and grow the volunteer culture at your church
Leadership — How we develop leaders at all levels or your church
Worship Planning — How we plan, implement and evaluate our services
Small Groups — What’s working now in motivating people to sign up and benefit from their small groups, especially the opportunities of online groups
Stewardship — How we develop extravagant givers at our church (and how to avoid fatal flaws during this challenging time)
Strategy — Needed now more than ever — how we constantly evaluate and improve our church, including the metrics that really matter and why you may be wasting time on the wrong things
These systems have already been proven in over 3,000 churches from 60 diverse denominations and in small and large cities. And now every single one of these 8 systems has been adapted to our new reality! I will walk you through all the changes, step-by-step, during our live monthly coaching sessions.
Plus, each month you will get access to thousands of dollars in updated ministry resources with the latest audio teachings and editable documents, as well as monthly leadership briefing calls.
And remember, I’m coaching you as a fellow practitioner who is in the trenches day after day leading a growing church in one of the most difficult cities in the world.
These are tough but exciting times. Times built for Renegades. Times built for those who are willing to invest in a network like this. Times that God orchestrated for you and I to be in leadership.
My Personal Commitment to you: If you will simply give this a “try,” I will do everything I can, every month of this coaching network, to help you grow a healthy church and lead as a healthy pastor.
Why can you trust me as your church growth and systems coach?
- I have a 20-year track record of coaching.
- I’m still a highly engaged Senior Pastor of a healthy and growing church.
- According to Dr. Elmer Towns, I have a track record of effectively “coaching more pastors than anyone he knows.”
Let’s proceed together in the next level of abandoning average…as part of my NEW Senior Pastor Coaching Network!
Nelson Searcy
Lead Pastor, The Journey Church
Founder, www.ChurchLeaderInsights.com
Questions? Email us at ns@renegadepastors.com or text 561.292.9235. If you’d prefer to sign up by phone, please call 561.921.8488 ext. 6.
So, How’s it Work?
Live sessions will be presented each month on Tuesdays (scroll down for all dates) where you will learn new material, discuss implementation and receive answers to your questions.
In summary, you will receive:
- Monthly Personal 90-minute LIVE Coaching Sessions with Nelson over Zoom ($4,788.00 value/yr)
- Monthly Bonus Coaching Calls with members from all Coaching Networks — additional training plus Q&A Sessions with Nelson and the team ($1,188.00 Value/yr)
- Bonus Systems Resources During Coaching (Over $3,399.95 Value)
- This is a GOLD level coaching network, so you will continue to receive all your benefits of Silver Membership too ($1,188.00 Value)
- Lock in your Gold Coaching rate for all future networks (except Titanium)
- Online Private Membership Hub Access
- VIP and FREE access to all Bonus Interview Calls or Trainings ($599.00 Value)
- Unique email address that goes directly to Nelson, for faster response and access
- Community of like-Minded Renegade Pastors for encouragement, friendship and prayer
- FREE attendance at all 2025 Regional Training Events plus free passes for your guests (up to $296.00 value)
- FREE Maximizing Easter Seminar 2025 training and Planning Your 2026 Preaching Calendar training ($299.95 value)
- FREE One-on-One 15-minute Phone Call with Nelson — ask any questions that you have about your ministry challenges, getting more from your new coaching membership, specific resources and more! ($99.00 value)
- Two FREE Sermon Series of your choice upon initial registration ($399.95 value)
Plus more…everything you need to succeed in growing a healthy, Kingdom-impacting church in the post-post-Covid reality.
Only an additional $148/month
(Note: You will still maintain your regular Silver Renegade Pastors membership of $99/month to receive this discounted add-on rate for Senior Pastor Coaching.)
Upgrade Now and Also Receive Two Sermon Series of Your Choice for FREE ($399.95 value)!
NOTE: Over $13,155.95 total annual value!
You save over 88%!
Keep scrolling to learn how to sign up now!
Questions? Email us at ns@renegadepastors.com or text 561.292.9235. If you’d prefer to sign up by phone, please call 561.921.8488 ext. 6.
So, What are the New 2025 Coaching Session Dates?
All conducted by Zoom, led LIVE with presentation and personal Q&A on Tuesdays from 2:00pm – 3:30pm Eastern:
- Tuesday, February 18, 2025
- Tuesday, March 11, 2025
- Tuesday, April 8, 2025
- Tuesday, May 20, 2025
- Tuesday, June 24, 2025
- Tuesday, July 15, 2024
- Tuesday, August 26, 2025
- Tuesday, September 23, 2025
- Tuesday, October 28, 2025
- Tuesday, November 18, 2025
- Tuesday, December 16, 2025
Can’t make a session? Don’t worry, recordings of all Zooms will be available during the entirety of the coaching – miss one or want to return to one, it’s available within 48 hours.
As You Prepare to Join this New Network, Please Consider That:
- ONE new tither will pay for this network.
- The average increase in attendance is 25%.
- The average increase in giving is 20% of your overall budget.
- Nelson will be there step-by-step to help you implement.
- Unlike other coaching networks, you get EVERYTHING you need to work the systems.
Cancel Any Time Guarantee for Your Monthly Membership!
When you select the monthly option, you can exit coaching at any time and your investment will stop and return at the future rate.
NOTE: This cancel-anytime-guarantee does not apply to the Annual Prepaid Pass, which already has two free months included.
3-MONTH FULL REFUND GUARANTEE FOR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP: If anytime during the first three months, you feel this isn’t right for you, keep all your monthly resources and bonuses and receive a full refund of all 3 months of your investment.
If you are not yet a member, please click here to access your coaching sign-up page.
Monthly Personal 90-minute LIVE Coaching Sessions with Nelson over Zoom ($4,788.00 value/yr)
Monthly Bonus Coaching Calls with members from all Coaching Networks — additional training plus Q&A Sessions with Nelson and the team ($1,188.00 Value/yr)
Bonus Systems Resources During Coaching (Over $3,399.95 Value)
This is a GOLD level coaching network, so you will continue to receive all your benefits of Silver Membership too ($1,188.00 Value)
Lock in your Gold Coaching rate for all future networks (except Titanium)
Online Private Membership Hub Access
VIP and FREE access to all Bonus Interview Calls or Trainings ($599.00 Value)
Unique email address that goes directly to Nelson, for faster response and access
Community of like-Minded Renegade Pastors for encouragement, friendship and prayer
FREE attendance at all 2025 Regional Training Events plus free passes for your guests (up to $296.00 value)
FREE Maximizing Easter Seminar 2025 training and Planning Your 2026 Preaching Calendar training ($299.95 value)
FREE One-on-One 15-minute Phone Call with Nelson — ask any questions that you have about your ministry challenges, getting more from your new coaching membership, specific resources and more! ($99.00 value)
Two FREE Sermon Series of your choice upon initial registration ($399.95 value)
Two FREE Months of Senior Pastor LIVE Coaching with Nelson
Monthly Personal 90-minute LIVE Coaching Sessions with Nelson over Zoom ($4,788.00 value/yr)
Monthly Bonus Coaching Calls with members from all Coaching Networks — additional training plus Q&A Sessions with Nelson and the team ($1,188.00 Value/yr)
Bonus Systems Resources During Coaching (Over $3,399.95 Value)
This is a GOLD level coaching network, so you will continue to receive all your benefits of Silver Membership too ($1,188.00 Value)
Lock in your Gold Coaching rate for all future networks (except Titanium)
Online Private Membership Hub Access
VIP and FREE access to all Bonus Interview Calls or Trainings ($599.00 Value)
Unique email address that goes directly to Nelson, for faster response and access
Community of like-Minded Renegade Pastors for encouragement, friendship and prayer
FREE attendance at all 2025 Regional Training Events plus free passes for your guests (up to $296.00 value)
FREE Maximizing Easter Seminar 2025 training and Planning Your 2026 Preaching Calendar training ($299.95 value)
FREE One-on-One 15-minute Phone Call with Nelson — ask any questions that you have about your ministry challenges, getting more from your new coaching membership, specific resources and more! ($99.00 value)
Two FREE Sermon Series of your choice upon initial registration ($399.95 value)
Two FREE Months of Senior Pastor LIVE Coaching with Nelson
Questions? Email us at ns@renegadepastors.com or text 561.292.9235. If you’d prefer to sign up by phone, please call 561.921.8488 ext. 6.
Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy
Nelson Searcy is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. By God's grace, he identified and developed the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® that he has used to coach over 3,500 churches in the US and around the world to adapt those eight systems to their unique ministry fields, resulting in great health and growth.
Nelson regularly coaches pastors online and in-person through the Church Leader Insights and Renegade Pastors Network ministries that he founded. He also leads several annual pastor in-person conferences and online training events. In ministry for more than 25 years, Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.”
He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 20+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry, The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research.
He is a longtime student of church history, especially mastering the areas of evangelism and church growth. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He battled Stage 4 cancer and has been cancer-free since 2018, praise God! He has an amazing wife, Kelley, and a teenage son, Alexander, who continues to grow in so many ways.