Dear Renegade Pastor,

Here’s a fact: growing churches are led by growing leaders. I fully believe the best & fastest way to grow is to be in the Gold Network (literally – a church growth network).

Here’s some powerful questions for you to consider:

  • What if your church could double in attendance over the next year and so could your personal effectiveness?
  • What if you could consistently get everything done at the office, easily manage your staff and volunteers, and still get home on time for dinner and family fun each night?
  • What if you could increase your offerings by as much as 50% over the next twelve months?

Well, It’s Possible! These are typical results I’ve seen in hundreds of pastors who have completed my Renegade Pastor Gold coaching process.

There is no conference, seminary class, set of conferences or coaching process offered by any other organization, church leader or denomination that is as proven as my coaching process.

I’m not teaching you theory or stuff that I’ve only read about.

I’m coaching you as a fellow practitioner who is in the trenches day after day leading a growing church in one of the most difficult cities in the world.

In addition, the coaching process that I will lead you through is a proven process that has been effective with over 2,000 churches from 60 diverse denominations and in small and large cities.

Nelson Searcy
Lead “Renegade” Pastor, The Journey Church

Yes, I’d Like to Upgrade to the Gold Coaching Network today for Only An Additional $148 a Month (Normally $347 a Month)!

So, What’s included in Renegade Pastors Gold Coaching?

All Silver Benefits Plus:

  • 12 Monthly Senior Pastor Focused Online Coaching sessions
  • FREE supplemental resources each month
  • A Monthly Blueprint of Next Steps (this is a step-by-step coaching network so you’re never on your own)
  • 4 Times Per Year Special Gold Mailing
  • All Bonus Kit features from Silver plus CDs of the Leadership and Briefing calls
  • Exclusive Gold Level Email Address for Faster Response and Access
  • Priority Q&A on All Calls and webinars
  • Coaching Hub Access to 6 months of Non-Coaching Session Archives
  • Gold Only Discounts for Live Events and Webinars
  • Lowest VIP Rate for New Resource Releases
  • Plus much more!

Plus you cancel at any time – hassle free (though experience shows you won’t want to because of how valuable the coaching will be!).

Cancel Any Time Guarantee!

garantee This network is not for everyone but if you choose to join, Nelson would like to offer you a “100% No-Hassle, Cancel Any Time Guarantee”.

Here it is: Nelson is so confident that you will find this Network beneficial that you can cancel at any time and your payments will stop immediately. Plus, you can keep any of the resources, MP3s or seminar materials that you have received to date.

In other words, Nelson wants to remove any fear you might have in joining this network.

And yes, we hear you thinking that you just don’t have the time to do this. Well, rest assured, Renegade Pastors Gold Coaching is a network made to FIT YOUR BUSY SCHEDULE!

Each month, your hub will be updated with one of the 12 online coaching sessions you’ll receive over the course of this network that you can fully participate in anytime (and we mean anytime and anywhere)!

You Will Discover And Implement The Eight Systems In Your Church

You will discover each of Nelson’s eight systems of a healthy church plus issues related to personal development, time management and growth barriers. Here is an outline of what you will cover with Nelson:

After gaining a more thorough understanding of each of the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church, you can immediately start evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your church. You’ll be able to develop a clear and easy-to-implement plan for the rest of your coaching experience.

Nelson will give you immediate next steps that you can take this Sunday to reach and keep more first-time guests in your church. These simple “Big Rocks” will have you seeing immediate results!

Stewardship is a big system! In this first part of two, Nelson will give you the basic steps that you can take to implement a healthy Stewardship System that is focused on discipleship as the ultimate goal.

You will learn how to create “Big Days” in your church and how to maximize your preaching through a One-Year Preaching Calendar. This session will immediately relieve your stress of having to plan and prepare from week to week.

In this second session on Evangelism, Nelson will help you create a culture of Evangelism in your church. If your church has been stagnant for years or is experiencing explosive growth, Nelson will give you the tools necessary to raise the evangelistic temperature of your church.

100% participation – that is the goal of this session. What can you do in your Sunday School or Small Groups Ministry that will help you get 100% participation? In this session, Nelson will share how The Journey (and numerous coaching alumni) consistently exceed that goal, regardless of denomination, location or background!

Regardless of your music, creative elements or traditions, Nelson will give you “Seven Ways to Improve the Quality of Your Worship Service.” PLUS, he’ll share four evaluation questions you can ask yourself and/or your staff every Monday so that you can improve Sunday after Sunday.

In this advanced session on Stewardship, Nelson will give you time-tested tools that have consistently helped coaching alumni increase their offerings by 27%! Plus, you’ll learn five stewardship decisions every pastor should make to lead an effective Stewardship System.

Nelson will give you an effective plan to help increase the number of volunteers in your church. You’ll also learn how to “Create a First Serve” opportunity that will motivate your people to serve.

Staffing can bring the greatest joys and the greatest headaches as you lead your church. Nelson will guide you on avoiding the multiple landmines in leading your staff. Even if you don’t have any staff, these are practical steps that you can take to lead your key leaders.

You will learn how to create a simple and practical personal growth plan that will help you enjoy your days off, take consistent vacations (where you’re not distracted by ministry) and be more effective each day in your ministry.

In this session, Nelson will help you create a church strategy utilizing all the tools that you’ve accumulated during the network. You’ll evaluate the health of each system in your church and what you can do to take them to the next level.

BlueprintPLUS, you’ll receive a “Coaching Blueprint” that gives you specific next steps. There are “Getting Started” next steps that will help you implement the very basics of the system, an “Intermediate Blueprint” that will guide you to implement beyond the basics, and for Coaching Alumni there is an “Accelerated Blueprint” that will help you go even further with each system!
Yes, I’d Like to Upgrade to the Gold Coaching Network today for Only An Additional $148 a Month (Normally $347 a Month)!

When You Grow, Your Church Will Grow

The truth is, all growing churches are led by growing leaders!

For the last two decades, Nelson Searcy has been asking, “Why do some churches grow and others do not?” There is only one commonality among all growing churches: they are led by growing leaders.

Through his coaching networks, Nelson has personally coached more than 2,000 pastors — from American Baptists to Pentecostal Holiness to United Methodists (and every denomination in between) — who have made a serious commitment to grow. And God has honored their personal commitment to growth by allowing them to see evangelistic growth. Are you preparing for God to bless your church?

Being a part of this network has helped me to lead our church more effectively, reverse what had been a slow decline over the past several years, mobilize greater numbers of our people in outreach and service, reach and retain more new people, and significantly raise the level of generosity in our church. Contributions are up and our attendance is up 30% over the prior year as well.
– Robert Haynes, New Life Community, Olive Branch, MS
The month we started our first coaching lesson we averaged 280 people. This month we averaged 360, and that does not include Easter Sunday, in which we had 480. I have been to great meetings where I was motivated to come home and grow our people and our church. This network for me feels like I am learning how to be a quarterback on a Super Bowl team, not from a loud, emotional, motivated coach, but from a successful NFL quarterback.
— Ed Trinkle, Life Church, Aston, PA
Yes, I’d Like to Upgrade to the Gold Coaching Network today for Only An Additional $148 a Month (Normally $347 a Month)!

Finally, A Coaching Network To Fit Your Busy Schedule


You will continue to receive coaching in your private hub. Each month, your hub will be updated with one of the 12 online coaching sessions you’ll receive over the course of this network that you can fully participate in anytime.

Led by Nelson, this network is based on the 8 Systems of a Healthy Church that he has identifi­ed and taught to thousands of churches, through books, resources and live events. You’ll receive monthly sessions over the course of this network that you can fully participate in anytime. And unlike other networks, you’ll receive both the audio and video.

The Senior Pastor Coaching Network is normally $347.00 a month, but you can lock in the lowest rate available: just an additional $148 a month for the full network. This includes FREE access to over $2,653.55 in bonus resources, including all eight Systems Seminars! Get started today!

You will Continue to Receive All Of Your Renegade Pastors Silver Network Membership Benefits!
You will Continue to Receive All Of Your Renegade Pastors Silver Network Membership Benefits!

As you know, a Renegade Pastor is someone who has abandoned “average” and is pursuing God’s highest and best for their life, their ministry and their church.

Your monthly membership in the Renegade Pastors Silver Network will continue to help you achieve personal growth, ministry-life balance and accomplish great things for God’s Kingdom. PLUS, your new membership in the Monthly Online Renegade Pastors Gold Coaching Network will specifically help you lead your church to maximize all eight of its systems for growth and health!

Yes Nelson, I'm ready to upgrade to the NEW Gold Coaching Network starting on Tuesday, March 6 for Senior Pastors for the lowest rate available - only an additional $148 a month!
Yes Nelson, I'm ready to upgrade to the NEW Online Gold Coaching Network for Senior Pastors for the lowest rate available - only an additional $148 a month!




Your credit card will be charged $148 today for your first coaching session. Then your card will be charged on the 1st of every month for each monthly coaching session. Your statement will show the charge from the Nelson Searcy Company.

Your Online Renegade Pastors Gold Coaching and Renegade Pastors Silver membership subscription is for ONE church. Please do not distribute these resources to any other church, organization, or individual. All materials are protected by federal copyright laws and cannot be distributed or reproduced without written consent.

I understand that I can cancel my membership at any time by calling 561.921.8488

Click here for Terms & Conditions

Meet Dr. Nelson Searcy

Nelson Searcy is the Founding and Lead Pastor of The Journey Church, with locations across New York City and in Boca Raton, FL. By God's grace, he identified and developed the Eight Systems of a Healthy Church® that he has used to coach over 3,500 churches in the US and around the world to adapt those eight systems to their unique ministry fields, resulting in great health and growth.

Nelson regularly coaches pastors online and in-person through the Church Leader Insights and Renegade Pastors Network ministries that he founded. He also leads several annual pastor in-person conferences and online training events. In ministry for more than 25 years, Nelson and his church routinely appear on lists such as “The 50 Most Influential Churches” and “The 25 Most Innovative Leaders.”

He is the author of over 100 church growth resources and 20+ books, including The Renegade Pastor: Abandoning Average in Your Life and Ministry, The Difference Maker: Using Your Everyday Life for Eternal Impact, and Fusion: Turning First-Time Guests Into Fully-Engaged Members of Your Church. Nelson is the recipient of the prestigious Donald A. McGavran Award for Outstanding Leadership in Great Commission Research.

He is a longtime student of church history, especially mastering the areas of evangelism and church growth. He divides his time between NYC and South Florida. He battled Stage 4 cancer and has been cancer-free since 2018, praise God! He has an amazing wife, Kelley, and a teenage son, Alexander, who continues to grow in so many ways.

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